In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, the town and municipality of Berasia are located in the Bhopal district.
Past Events
A map of Central India from 1823. Berasia is shown in the Malwa province as “Burseeah”.
Berasia was a minor mustajiri (rented land) ruled by Taj Mohammad Khan, the Mughal fief holder based in Delhi, during the beginning of the 18th century. Due to frequent raids by highwaymen and looters, it experienced anarchy and disorder. Berasia was leased to Dost Mohammad Khan, an Afghan-born Mughal soldier who later became a mercenary, for 30,000 rupees a year. Later on, he created the Bhopal State and absorbed a number of nearby regions.
The district was then acquired by the Dhar State, but as a compensation, it was given back to Bhopal in 1860.